Understanding Loan Terms

Understanding Loan Terms

  • How To Boost Your Credit Score Right Now

    It's often said that a great credit score takes years to build, and this is true. A perfect credit score does require years of excellent credit history. But, there are also steps you can take to increase your credit score by hundreds of points right now. Here's how. Stop Trying to Get Approved Many people fall into the trap of applying for credit cards or auto loans every month (or even sooner) just to see if they can get approved.

  • Real Estate Investing: How Can Hard Money Loans Help?

    Real estate investors may be deterred from taking advantage of hard money loans because they assume that the interest rates will be too high to make this type of loan product profitable. However, it's important for real estate investors to explore the option before they arrive at this conclusion. The following are five big reasons why working with a hard money lender can help those investing in real estate to make more money:

  • 2 Reasons To Consider A 15-Year Home Loan

    If you are getting ready to buy a house, one of the decisions you might be tossing around is whether to get a 15-year loan or a 30-year loan. There are several big differences in these loan options, but the main factor you will need to consider is if you can afford the payments on a 15-year loan. If you can afford the payments, you will benefit in two main ways by choosing a loan that lasts only 15 years.

  • Four Tips To Help You Get Started Collecting Coins With A Small Budget

    If you are looking for ways to start investing in something that holds value, coins can be a great place to begin. It can also be an interesting hobby that will give you something in return. For major investments, there are highly sought after gold coins. Gold is not the only metal in coins, however; you can find many others that are more affordable to get started with. Here are some tips to help you start collecting coins on a budget:

  • The Cost Advantages Of Refinancing A VA Home Loan

    Homeowners are reminded of the effect of interest rates each month when paying their mortgage. As interest rates change, mortgage holders are likely to compare their loan rate with current market rates. Military personnel with home loans guaranteed by the Department of Veterans Affairs may take advantage of a VA refinance program designed for holders of VA mortgages. The Department of Veterans Affairs provides a refinance option referred to as an Interest Rate Reduction Refinance Loan.

About Me

Understanding Loan Terms

When I started my own company, I knew that I needed a little business capital and fast. In an effort to raise money, I worked with various lenders to discuss loans, financing, and special terms. Unfortunately, I quickly discovered that not every loan was created equally. Some loans had almost predatory terms like high interest rates and penalties, while others were completely fair. Fortunately, a business consultant of mine taught me about loans and financing, so that I could make better choices in the future. The information on this blog saved my business, and I know that it can help yours too.
