Understanding Loan Terms

Understanding Loan Terms

  • 3 Ways to Buy a Home Even with Fluctuating Income

    Are you thinking about buying a home even though your income fluctuates? Uneven income sources, such as a business or commission pay, can be a real challenge for those who want to advance to the next level of the American dream.  But, you can still get that home you want through a few different funding ideas. Here are some ways that might work for you. 1. FHA Mortgage Loans Loans through the FHA (Federal Housing Authority) are designed to encourage home ownership among those who might get locked out of the traditional, fixed-rate market.

About Me

Understanding Loan Terms

When I started my own company, I knew that I needed a little business capital and fast. In an effort to raise money, I worked with various lenders to discuss loans, financing, and special terms. Unfortunately, I quickly discovered that not every loan was created equally. Some loans had almost predatory terms like high interest rates and penalties, while others were completely fair. Fortunately, a business consultant of mine taught me about loans and financing, so that I could make better choices in the future. The information on this blog saved my business, and I know that it can help yours too.
